Kai Aroha - Feeding Our Hungry Community
every Monday night, 5:30pm
St Paul's Church, 242 Dickson Road, Pāpāmoa.
Tuhia ki te rangi, tuhia ki te whenua, tuhia ki te ngākau o ngā tangata katoa! He honore he kororia ki te Atua, a Ihu Karaiti me te Wairua Tapu.
Kai Aroha was birthed in 2016, in Tauranga Moana, Te Moana-a-Toi, Aotearoa, (Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand). Kai Aroha is a voluntary-based, non-profit charity organisation that provides a free community meal every Monday night (no longer Friday nights), to anyone and everyone in need of a kai. Whether you are homeless, living in your vehicle, living in emergency accommodation, living in a home or living in chronic situations where kai is scarce, then Kai Aroha is for you and your whānau.
Kai Aroha is about whānaungatanga, a place of connection where you can feel a sense of belonging. Kai Aroha is for whānau and individuals to meet and interact with others in their community and sit together to eat kai and a cuppa tea. Nau mai haere mai whānau, we welcome you all.
If you know someone who is feeling isolated and needing a kai, then please do pass on our details to them and invite them to Kai Aroha.
Don't be shy whānau, haere mai ki te kai!
Te whāinga ō Kai Aroha | Our aim
Is to be effective by connecting with our community whānau and extending manaakitanga, hospitality by simply talking to people and making them feel welcome. At Kai Aroha, we meet people where they are at and as they are.

When and Where
Every Monday night, at 5:30pm
We are now only located at :
PĀPĀMOA - St. Paul's Church, 242 Dickson Road, Pāpāmoa
we are no longer located at Greerton Hall, Greerton, Tauranga. We feel we have fulfilled our kaupapa mission purpose in Greerton and now that there are many community meal groups in Tauranga, have decided to focus on the Pāpāmoa area as there are currently no other community meal groups there. We are truely grateful and appreciative for Bay Venues donating their venues (both at Pāpāmoa and Greerton) to Kai Aroha so that we could feed our hungry community. Ngā mihi nui mahana. Since Covid-19 our meals have become takeaway meals, but anyone who receives a meal from us is most welcome to sit down at our locations and enjoy your kai with others, if you wish.
Covid alert
If there is a break out of Covid or we go into traffic light alerts
we will prepare takeaway meal packs as permitted and as we are able to
we will inform the community on our facebook page and on our website